Rosacea (Rose Disease) Treatment

The treatment of rosacea is based on a holistic approach. Rosacea (rose disease) treatment starts after the diagnosis made by the doctor. Rosacea, known as a skin disorder, is also known as rosacea. The treatment methods for the disease are as follows:

  • The first step in the treatment of rosacea is to detect the presence of demodex parasites in the skin. In addition to rosacea, any other skin conditions are examined. The patient is kept away from all factors that trigger rosacea.
  • As a result of rosacea being a chronic disease, it is common for rashes and pimples to appear or to progress as symptomless periods. The primary goal in the treatment of these conditions is to calm periods of exacerbation of the disease.
  • Both medical approaches and laser treatments are supported during treatment. The health status of all organs that may accompany the disease is questioned. Patients with psychological complaints are asked to reduce these burdens and remove stress from their lives.
  • Rose disease is a condition that can recur later. Therefore, education of patients is of great importance. Exacerbations may occur at certain times during the course of the disease. Knowing that the patient will return to full health after a while is important for surviving the process.

What is Rosacea (Rose Disease) Definition?

Rosacea (rosacea) is a condition that causes redness and red pimples that generally occur on the face. This discomfort, which is seen in the face area in the early stages, can also affect the eye. This disease is particularly common in individuals with fair skin. The disease is more common in women. This condition, which generally affects middle-aged and older people, makes facial capillaries more prominent. The occurrence of this discomfort, especially on and around the face, negatively affects people’s psychology. Factors such as genetics, harmful effects of the sun, extreme cold weather, high stress and air pollution have an impact on the incidence of the disease.

This discomfort, which occurs more frequently with the arrival of the spring months, may be accompanied by stomach complaints.

How Does Rosacea (Rose Disease) Occur?

The factors necessary for the development of rosacea are not yet clearly known. However, some conditions are thought to trigger the disease.

  • UV rays,
  • The effect of extremely hot weather,
  • People’s irregular diet and irregular drinking of alcohol,
  • Signs of infection,
  • Problems caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach,
  • Change of emotions and situations,
  • Some foods

What are the Clinical Types of Rosacea?

As the types of rosacea (rosacea) change, the appearance of the skin also changes. The most important of the clinical types used during the treatment of rosacea is the erythemelangiectatic type. This type is characterized by redness and prominent capillaries. The other type is papulopustular rosacea. The most prominent feature of this type is the appearance of acne. Reddened veins are also very prominent in this type. The phimatous type is much rarer than the other types. The type, which is mostly seen in men, occurs with an increase in adipose tissue in the nose. Rarely, it can also be seen on the forehead. The ophthalmic type generally affects the eye area. Inflammation and itching of the eyelids occur with this type. The granulomatous type presents as a hard wheal on a reddened background. A biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis.

How to recognize Rosacea (Rose Disease)?

The symptoms of rosacea (rose disease) are summarized in items:

  • Burning or painful sensation on the skin,
  • The presence of dry skin,
  • Formation of acne-like structures,
  • Skin discoloration,
  • The blood vessels take on a more pronounced form,
  • Thickening of the skin,
  • Swelling of the face

If you have one or more of the above symptoms, you can come to our center and receive treatment.

How is Rosacea (Rose Disease) Diagnosed?

There is no specific test to diagnose rosacea. After the examination in our center, the lesions related to the disease are examined and then a diagnosis can be made. There are several diseases that have similar symptoms to rosacea. These include acne, eczema, lupus and psoriasis. The above symptoms are not enough to distinguish rosacea from these diseases. Some blood tests are therefore necessary.

What are the Methods Applied in Rosacea (Rose Disease) Treatment?

Rosacea (rosacea) treatmentmethods are divided into topical and systemic. Details of both of these treatments are provided below:

  • What is important in topical treatment are the skin lesions. The treatment approach is based on the structures that appear on the skin. If there is erythema in the human body, the options for medical treatment are very limited. People with erythema mostly use creams and methods such as mesobotox and laser also work.
  • For papules or pustules on the skin, creams such as azelaic acid, metranidazole, tetracycline, tretinoin and sodium sulfacetamide are used. Antibiotic compounds such as metranidazole and doxycycline are also recommended for people to take orally.
  • Vitamin A helps to overcome the disease. The vitamin is particularly effective for isotretinoin therapy. Vitamin A stops the growth of the nose with its structure that prevents the proliferation of fat cells. In addition to all these, vitamin A is also used in the removal of inflammation for papule formation.
  • Demodex parasites are also agents that can cause disease. For this reason, products such as permethrin and tea tree oil are used to treat the disease.
  • Ivermectin is one of the most commonly used rosacea treatment methods today. This substance is very effective thanks to its inflammation suppression and antiparasitic effect. The effect of the substance on rosacea applies to its use throughout the disease. Symptoms of rosacea may recur 4 months after the product has been discontinued. While there is burning and dryness at the beginning of treatment, this may decrease after treatment. In addition, dryness and irritation can be minimized with moisturizers.
  • Tea tree oil is an ingredient that has recently been used frequently on different ailments. Some lotions and creams prepared with the aqueous form of this oil are effective on demodex mites. Therefore, tea tree oil is very important in the treatment of rosacea. This oil is also available in shampoo forms and is effective in eyelash base cleaning.