Acne Scar

Acne Scar (Acne Scar)

Acne scar problem is among the problems that can be seen in many people regardless of gender and age group. Especially with puberty, acne formation can be observed with insufficient cleansing of the oil layer of the skin and clogging of the pores. Acne formed in various parts of the body heals over time. However, the fact that some are deeper than others may cause scars in the area after healing. These scars are called acne scars. A solution is sought with non-surgical curative medical aesthetic methods for the situation that has healed but left scars in the area.

Why Do Acne Scars Occur?

The reason for the formation of acne scars is usually according to the frequency of encounter;

  • Genetic causes
  • Squeezing pimples
  • Severity of acne

This can be shown among the reasons. Especially after deep acne heals, pitted structures can be seen on the skin of the cheeks, shoulders and back. Although it does not actually pose a significant problem in terms of health, it is desired to get rid of these scars because they do not look aesthetically pleasing.

What are the Precautions We Can Take to Avoid Acne Scars?

Without acne scars ötake ncewill be öMeasures; is as follows.

  • Regular skin care and keeping the skin clean
  • Not playing with pimples on the skin, not scratching the scars and not removing the crusts
  • When it is realized that acne occurs due to the hormone and oily appearance of the skin, to get support from a specialist instead of applying alternative methods

It is among the methods that can be applied. However, in some cases these recommendations may not work either.

Which Methods Can Be Used in the Treatment of Acne Scars?

Y used in the treatment of acne scarsönmethods

  • Chemical peeling
  • Fractional laser
  • Gold needle
  • Dermapen

These methods include.

Is There Absolute Success in Acne Scar Treatment?

Definite success in acne scar treatment can be possible with regular applications. Dermapen treatments both allow the skin to regenerate and benefit the skin in covering scars. When the procedures are continued regularly and skin care is not interrupted, acne treatment gives successful results.

How to Treat Acne Scars with Chemical Peeling?

Acne treatment with chemical peeling shows itself in the form of the skin repairing itself again with the damage created consciously on the skin with the products applied on the skin. Acne scarring is also among the studies that are reduced and successful results are obtained especially with chemical peeling method.

  • Except for pregnant and breastfeeding women; this method can be applied to anyone who does not use blood thinners.
  • TCA is among the main exfoliating ingredients.
  • After the application, crust formation is observed on the skin and the upper skin peels off and pink colored skin appears from the bottom.

Chemical peeling is among the methods used for many years.

How to Treat Acne Scars with Fractional Laser?

In acne scar treatment, fractional laser is among the most preferred methods for people with acne or acne scar problems because it is a non-surgical and pain minimizing application. Fractional laser gives very successful results when used together with the medications and treatment method prescribed by the physician. Implementation is provided as indicated below.

  • Depending on the intensity of acne scarring on the body, a program is determined for the patient.
  • After sterilization is provided on the skin, micron-level columns are opened on the skin with appropriate heads.
  • The procedure also supports collagen production on the skin and the skin is peeled off within a week.
  • After 3-4 sessions of treatment, the person gets rid of acne scars to a great extent.

Is Fractional Laser Method Painful?

The pain of the fractional method is very light. While heat is given under the skin, the patient feels a slight heat as devices that provide cooling air are used on the skin surface. However, there may be differences in the face, such as tingling, which may last for a few seconds.

Which Areas Is Fractional Laser Method Applied?

The areas where fractional laser can be applied are the areas where acne scar formation is observed on the skin. Of course;

  • The face area is among the areas where acne formation is the most common due to oily skin
  • Shoulders
  • Back

It is among our body parts where acne formation can be observed as a result of various problems. After the procedure, the patient can resume his/her work life within 3-5 days.

What Should Be Considered After Fractional Laser Method?

Fractional laser yöThings to consider after the treatment;

  • To ensure that the dry skin is not wounded and the skin is not damaged by using the medicines with oil-free moisturizing properties given by the doctor after the procedure
  • Keeping the skin away from the sun’s rays or areas that can see any rays
  • Using the sunscreen recommended by the physician
  • Not peeling off the crusts formed on the skin surface due to the application
  • Avoiding hot environments

This method is among the factors to be considered afterwards.

How to Care for the Skin During Fractional Laser Procedure

Skin care during fractional laser should be done by applying special solutions and cleansers to the skin, which are taken with the recommendation of the physician. Foods with a high glycemic index should be avoided and non-oil based products should be applied to the skin. Avoiding make-up is also among the factors that will help healing. Thus, it is possible to peel the skin softly without pain with appropriate products. When these steps are applied, acne scar treatment can be finalized in a short period of time with the fractional laser method.

Acne Treatment with Golden Needle Method

Gold needle radiofrequency treatment is a procedure developed as an alternative to fractional laser method and is used in the treatment of blemishes and scars. In this method, radiofrequency is applied to the patient’s skin. This method refers to the insertion of gold-coated needles through the skin and the generation of heat there. Collagen production is also extremely important here. While acne scar treatment gives much faster results, especially at young ages, the response will be slower in older people as the collagen production level decreases.