Wart Treatment

Warts occur for many different reasons and are the body’s response to viral infections. After the damage caused by this structure known as HPV or human papilloma virus on the skin of the body, warts may appear in some parts of the person’s body. Warts must be treated because of their potential to spread, damage and transform into cancer and also because they do not look aesthetically pleasing.

In Which Areas Do Warts Occur?

The warts have appeared in the bölgeler;

  • Face
  • Hands
  • Feet
  • Genital and anal area

They appear as.

Are Warts a Sign of Cancer?

The relationship between warts and cancer is also very curious. These viruses, which settle in our body due to HPV and show themselves at a time when immunity is low, are actually interpreted as benign cells. However, the risk of cervical cancer due to the HPV virus, especially in women, is much higher than others in genital and anal viruses transmitted through sexual intercourse. There are more than 120 types of HPV.

Who gets warts?

People who can develop warts can be called anyone, regardless of age group. Warts can appear on the hands, face and legs of school-age children, as they are more likely to be injured and cut and come into contact with each other during play. These warts do not always have the same effect on everyone, but because children have a lower immune system, the virus can incubate in the body and manifest itself when the person is sick and weakened. In adults, it can occur as a body wart after direct contact with the wart, as well as in the genital area in many unprotected sexual intercourse.

What are the General Characteristics of Warts?

If we need to say a few words about the characteristics of warts, we can give the following.

  • The wart-borne virus may have been present in the body for a long time, but may have manifested itself at a time when immunity has fallen.
  • If it does not present itself with problems such as bleeding, it is possible to say that these warts are mostly benign.
  • It is more common in school-age children than in adults.
  • There are more than 120 types of HPV
  • Warts can disappear over time by strengthening immunity and eating a healthier diet.

Which methods can be used for the treatment of warts?

Methods for the removal of warts;

  • Freezing method
  • Laser method
  • Scraping method
  • Incineration method
  • Various riding medicines

Such methods are frequently applied and yield successful results. This treatment can be applied with peace of mind for patients of all age groups.

How is laser treatment applied for the removal of warts?

Laser treatment for warts is among the applications performed in our clinic. Laser method is applied for the treatment of these warts that have formed on the body due to the HPV virus. Steps can be taken to address the issue of wart treatment by following the steps below

  • After the patient makes an appointment at the appropriate appointment time in our clinic, the area where the warts are located is carefully sterilized.
  • Then, the procedure is applied only to remove the wart in question without causing any damage to the skin.
  • Here, the skin at the edge of the wart is not damaged and only the burning effect is felt on the surface of the wart.
  • The procedure is performed under local anesthesia for the patient. For this reason, the patient is not faced with any insecurity or pain.
  • After cleaning the warts in the relevant areas, the patient can leave the clinic after the doctor gives the patient appropriate creams and provides the necessary information.
  • It is rare for warts to grow back from areas where warts have been burned.

Is Laser Applied to Genital Warts?

Laser application for genital warts are procedures that must be performed under the control of a doctor. It is extremely important that urology and gynecology doctors should definitely examine, biopsy and PAP-smear samples and HPV screening to determine whether there is cervical cancer, especially in women.

  • In order to determine how risky the situation is, the patient must first visit the field physician to be examined and give the relevant tests.
  • Afterwards, if the physician approves, genital warts can be resolved by burning.
  • The procedure is completed after only 15 minutes under local anesthesia.
  • Although the risk of reappearance is low after the warts that occur due to low immunity are burned, the problem of warts may occur again in different areas.

How to Treat Warts with Salicylic Acid?

The method of wart treatment with salicylic acid involves the dissolution of the acid applied directly to the surface of the wart and the removal of the skin layer in question from that area by the specialist. In the treatment of warts, the patient’s condition, age and how sensitive an area these warts are in are of great importance.

  • The procedure can be performed in several sessions.
  • There are situations such as the patient feeling pain after the procedure.
  • Since it is an easy-to-apply method, it is frequently preferred.

Since treatment with salicylic acid can leave less scarring than other methods, it is usually applied as an alternative solution in case of multiple recurrences of the problem. It gives successful results and is usually applied in difficult areas such as the soles of the feet.