Botox for under the arm is performed for purely aesthetic purposes and is known to create a miracle for the problem of ‘sweat’ in the modern world. The process of thin needles reaching the pores under the arm and neutralizing the nerve tissues here for a certain period of time, which produces a definitive solution especially for people with too much sweating problem, refers to the application under the arm. Although it is a painless procedure in general, underarm botox can be easily preferred by anyone with excessive sweating problems.

How is Botox Applied for Under Arm?

The way botox is applied under the arm aims to provide treatment to our clients who come to our clinic with various complaints in line with their own needs. With the development of technology, underarm botox eliminates sweating, which is one of the most important health problems, to a great extent. For this, the following steps are taken.

Who Can Receive Under Arm Botox?

With the botox procedure to be applied under the arm, people can get rid of this situation in a very short time. Under arm botox is performed on adults. It is not applicable for pregnant women and nursing mothers at this stage. Likewise, individuals and children under the age of 18 are generally not recommended for underarm botox procedure because their hormone patterns are not established and sweating problem may be a harbinger of another disease.

Is Under Arm Botox a Painful Procedure?

Botox pain under the arm is almost negligible.

How Permanent is Under Arm Botox?

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