Striae and Scar Treatment

Numerous methods can be applied to heal body scars. Most of the time, stretch marks and scars that occur on our body are just a reflection of our genetic predisposition, but sometimes they can become a health problem. Aesthetically, it can make a person feel unhappy and spiritually overwhelmed. For many years, both women and men have been using various treatment methods to remove scars and stretch marks on their bodies. Stretch marks and scars can also be treated with reliable methods in our clinic.

Why Do Stretch Marks Form on the Body?

Causes of stretch marks on the body;

  • Genetic predispositions
  • Pregnancy
  • Bodybuilding exercises
  • Hormonal problems
  • Rapid weight gain and loss

It can cause the formation of stretch marks in various parts of the body. Newly formed stretch marks, called striae in medicine, are easier to treat when they are pink and red in color. It is possible to say that the stretch marks that turn white over time are now settled in the area, are older and the treatment process will be longer.

Which Areas of the Body Develop Stretch Marks?

B that can form cracks in the bodyölgeler;

  • Abdomen
  • Hip edges
  • Inner Legs
  • Line from under the arms to the chest (in bodybuilding)
  • Breast tissue
  • Arms

These cracks are among the most common areas. These structures are very common in the abdomen and buttocks due to weight gain and loss and excessive stretching of the skin. While the treatment of stretch marks is still new, it gives more successful results. For this reason, the person should know his/her body and get support from a physician as soon as he/she sees the formation of stretch marks.

Which Methods are Used in Stretch Mark Treatment?

Methods that can be used in the treatment of stretch marks;

  • Fractional laser
  • IPL
  • Mesotherapy
  • Needle radiofrequency
  • PRP
  • Dermapen

It can be referred to as. Since stretch marks occur in the body for completely different reasons, a treatment method is determined individually. Of course, at this stage, it is necessary to see in which parts of the patient stretch mark formation is observed and which treatment should be applied and for how long. Radiofrequency, mesotherapy and PRP are among the most commonly used methods for the treatment of stretch marks.

What is Fractional Laser Method for Stretch Mark Treatment?

Fractional lasermethod for stretch mark treatment; It refers to a method in which the application is performed directly on the stretch marks. The aim here is to create destruction with laser beams that are deliberately sent under the skin and into the skin layer. The cells here are repaired and collagen production in the area is expected to increase. During the treatment of stretch marks, the fractional laser method can be completed quite successfully with the medications given by the doctor. Of course, at this stage, it should be determined how serious the stretch marks are, how long they have been on the body and what exactly causes the formation of stretch marks on the body.

How to Apply PRP and Mesotherapy Method for Stretch Mark Treatment?

When mesotherapy for stretch mark treatment is performed together with PRP application, the results obtained are realized in a much shorter period of time and the patient can observe the change in himself/herself very quickly.

  • Blood from the person themselves can be combined with hyaluronic acid, which is used as an ingredient to support reparative cells, or it can be done with blood alone.
  • Supportive minerals and vitamins can also be added in the serum.
  • Since it is the person’s own blood, there is no situation where the body will react negatively.
  • Through the small holes opened, the relevant serum is placed in the area and the repair is expected to be provided here.
  • Mesotherapy method can be applied for up to 8-10 sessions at intervals of 2-3 weeks.
  • For white and old cracks, this period may be a little longer.

For the treatment of stretch marks and scars, the same methods are generally applied through different techniques. Fractional laser method is also very successful especially in wound treatment.

What is Scar, Why Does It Occur?

The cause of scarring is the occurrence of acne or injury or similar formations on the skin and the damage caused by them on the skin. The causes of scarring are usually;

  • Having acne problems with or without hormonal disorders
  • Acne breakouts
  • Injuries
  • After surgery
  • Some skin diseases

Scars called scars may form on the skin due to such conditions. Most of the time, some non-surgical techniques can be applied to eliminate these scars, which we can produce temporary solutions with makeup applications.

How to Treat Scars with Chemical Peeling?

The use of chemical peeling in scar treatment is among the methods that have been used for many years. Chemical peeling, which is a method that should never be applied on unhealed skin, can be applied to remove the scars in question after the acne process is completed.

  • People over 18 years of age who are not allergic to acidic substances can use this method.
  • The patient who will undergo the procedure should not be breastfeeding or pregnant. It is also not applied to those with suspected pregnancy.
  • Application is also avoided for acne and open wounds that are still unhealed on the skin.

After this step, the chemical peeling method is applied, which aims to remove the skin layer by peeling the skin layer deeply with salicylic, mandelic or lactic acid or phenol and to bring new and healthy skin from underneath. After sterilization of the patient’s skin, this substance is applied to the area where the scars are located. After a few days, the person can see peeling on the skin.

What Should Be Considered After Stretch Mark And Scar Treatment?

After treatment of stretch marks and scars;

  • Protection from the sun’s rays
  • Healthy diet
  • Avoid tanning beds
  • Wound care should be done as prescribed by the doctor