Stem Cell Treatments
Stem Cell Treatments (Antiaging, Hair, Wound Healing)
Kök hfee yömethod of treatment with the method It is among the most important inventions brought about by gene engineering. Stemcell therapies have been applied on people for different purposes to this day and we can say that successful results have emerged. In particular, the stem cell method is a breakthrough in cancer treatment and has pioneered many developments in aesthetics and beauty. Stem cell therapy is also used in our clinic.
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Treatment with thestemcellmethod refers to treatment with the person’s own cells in order to prevent the elimination of the problem occurring in any area. The main ingredient in this method is cells taken from the person themselves, which the body already recognizes. Although various substances and components such as hyaluronic acid are used to repair these cells and create the expected effect, stem cells are the main factor.
For what purposes is stem cell therapy used?
Kök hfee yönpurposes of using the method;
- Treatment of scars and scars
- Anti-aging treatments
The method of processing cells taken from the person can be actively used in many areas such as. The method, which is also used in the aesthetic sector, is very popular and applied due to its rejuvenation or anti-aging effect. Since the injection is made with the person’s own cells, it is not possible for the body to reject it like other synthetic substances and for unexpected reactions to occur.
Why is Stem Cell Therapy Used in Medical Aesthetics?
k in Medical Aestheticsök hThe intended use of urea therapy;
- Elimination of wrinkles
- Prevention of burns, sunburns and skin blemishes
- Prevention of sagging problems
- Elimination of lines
- Achieving a brighter and more vibrant skin
- Equalization of skin tone
- Increasing the collagen structure of the person
- Restoring the skin’s moisture balance
It can be used with purposes.
Who Can Receive Stem Cell Therapy?
People who can be treated withstemcell therapy can be summarized in a simple way as people who are not using blood thinners at that time and who are not pregnant or breastfeeding. Since it involves the process of separating the cells taken from the person himself/herself, blood thinners should not be used or there should not be any active infection on the skin during the application.
What kind of changes occur in the skin after stem cell therapy?
Althoughchanges in the skin afterstemcells vary depending on the purpose of the application, the following steps can be experienced on the skin.
- As a result of the application, collagen production in the skin is triggered and cell repair begins with the help of other substances placed in the injection.
- The color of the skin lightens with the increase in healthy cells and their active activity in the region
- Creating an equalization, especially for people with different skin tones, takes place in an extremely short period of time.
- At the same time, the skin regains its moisture, especially in cases such as dryness, it regains moisture within a period of 1 month.
- A period of 6 months will be sufficient for the skin tissues to regenerate and for the person to observe the changes in their skin.
- Stem cell therapies can be applied once every 3-4 years with many different ingredients and methods.
How is Stem Cell Therapy Applied as an Antiaging Method?
Theanti-aging effects ofstemcell therapy manifest themselves in a short period of time. Wrinkles, sagging and facial lines are among the effects of aging. Although the face is considered to be the most commonly applied area among stem cell treatments, this problem can also be seen in the décolleté area, hands, abdomen and legs and stem cell method can be applied for solution.
- It is applied as an injection method.
- A piece of tissue is taken from the person. Blood is also taken for some tests and to provide a medium for cell reproduction.
- This process can take up to half an hour, after which the material is sent to the stem cell laboratory.
- The cells come from the laboratory 1-1.5 months later and are injected into the person.
- The application is performed in 2 sessions and approximately 100 million is injected in total.
Can Hair Loss Be Treated With Stem Cell Method?
Kök hhair d with urea treatmentöof his ashes öMonitoring is possible. The tissue sample taken from the hair follicles is reproduced in the laboratory and applied again by injection method. It is aimed to grow the hair of the person, to eliminate the problem of hair loss and to have healthier looking hair.
How to Heal Wounds with Stem Cell Therapy?
Wound healing withstemcell therapy varies depending on many factors. First, the type of these wounds is examined by the physician and a study is carried out on how many sessions will be applied.
- Cells can be injected into the area for the rapid healing of wounds caused by various reasons in the body.
- The same method is used for scars and can also be combined with laser applications.
Are There Side Effects of Stem Cell Therapy?
Theside effects ofstemcell therapy are highly curious. Since this application completely contains the person’s own cells and there is no synthetic substance in the application, there are no side effects. Expected side effects may include redness, edema and bruising.