Rope Hanger

Thread Lift (Spider Web, Eyebrow Lift, Face Lift, Nose Lift, Jawline Contour, Neck)

Thread facelift is a sagging removal procedure that is frequently applied today. It is a safe method used both to remove wrinkles and to reduce sagging, especially due to aging. As a clinic, we provide services with professional equipment and our expert and experienced staff in the field of rope suspension. We listen to the needs of our clients, perform a preliminary examination and then provide all the details about the desired procedure.

After the appointment is made, the relevant procedure is carried out by our experts in safe and sterile areas. Thread suspension is a procedure specially designed for people who want to tighten their skin without surgery.Rope sling application can be applied to many people and many areas.

What is the Rope Hanger Application?

Theapplication of the rope sling is a safe procedure. If it is made by professional people with quality equipment, there will be no problems. Anyone who wants can have the rope suspension application without the need for surgery. With the development of technology, the health sector has developed in parallel. With the development and updating of equipment, some surgical procedures have started to be performed with such applications.

Who is the Rope Hanger Application Applied to?

Those who havea rope hanger are people with sagging in the face area. People who can have rope suspension application are as follows:

  • Those with sagging in the areas where suspension is applied
  • Those with problems such as low eyebrows
  • Those who do not have a disease that will prevent the rope suspension application

Who is not allowed to use rope suspension?

People who cannot have a rope sling are those who do not have sagging or who are too young for the procedure. For this reason, it is recommended that people who have completed the physical development process should have a rope suspension application. If there is a disease that will prevent the application of rope suspension, it is not appropriate for people to have rope suspension in this case.

Which Areas Is Thread Hanger Applied?

Theareaswhererope suspensionis applied are quite diverse. It can be applied to the face and neck area, as well as for the general lines of the body today. The areas where the rope hanger application is made are as follows:

  • Cheek
  • Cheekbones
  • Kas
  • Neck
  • General face line
  • Hip
  • Belly and abdomen
  • Arm
  • Chest
  • Leg

How to make a rope hanger?

The construction of the rope sling should be directed and practiced by experts. The steps followed in making the rope hanger are as follows:

  • Clearing the area
  • Local anesthesia applied to the area
  • Placement of threads under the skin
  • Elimination of sagging with threads
  • Carrying out the cleaning process
  • Termination of the process

With these steps, the rope hanger application is completed. It is a process that manages to show its effect immediately after the rope hanger application. In order for it to show its full effect permanently and for there to be a visible difference, an average of 6 weeks must pass. Therope suspension application is completed in one session and the session lasts between 40 and 60 minutes on average.

What is a Rope Hanger Spider Web?

Spider web is one of the sub-varieties of rope suspension. Face lift is performed with the spider web method. A holistic and proportional stretching process is performed by stretching the face not from a single place but from all parts. Spider web is often preferred to have younger and firmer skin. Stretching is performed with the spider web method by making many small-sized entrances on the skin. The method should be carried out by professional and experienced people.

How to make an eyebrow hanger?

Eyebrow suspension is a frequently preferred application especially for people with eyebrow dropping problems. Local anesthesia is applied to the eyebrow area before application. Local anesthesia is applied with a cream. After the skin is cleaned, local anesthetic cream is applied. After the drug effect begins, the eyebrow suspension procedure is performed with micro-needles or longer cannulas called COG. It is a short, safe procedure. It is one of the most preferred types of sling by our clients in our clinic.

How to Make a Face Hanger?

Face sling is used to eliminate sagging in the face area. Types of hangers such as face hangers, rope hangers and spider hangers basically serve the same purpose. People who want to have a face sling should pay attention to the elements recommended by our experts after the procedure. Face suspension is a procedure that can be completed in one session.

How to Make a Nose Strap?

Nose suspension is a procedure applied to the cartilage at the tip of the nose and the bone area behind it. It is done by pulling up the cartilage. Lifting is performed at a level desired by the client. Before the nasal suspension, samples and procedure details are transferred to the client by our specialists. With a nasal sling, people can safely have their low nasal cartilages lifted up. Local anesthesia is applied to the area before the nasal suspension.

What is Jawline Contouring?

Jawline contour application is a procedure applied to the cheeks and the jaw line is made prominent. It is also known as contour application. It is safe and very convenient. When the face sling is made, the jawline line is revealed. By revealing the jawline line, a sharper facial line is obtained. Today, many people frequently undergo this procedure in our clinic.

How to Apply the Rope Hanger to the Neck Area?

With theapplication of rope suspension tothe neckarea , both the neck gains a more upright and longer appearance and the double chin problem is eliminated. It is possible to get a younger skin with the neck rope suspension application that collects sagging in the neck. In regional sagging, rope sling application is performed for certain areas. One of these areas of application is the neck.

What are the Properties of the Ropes Used in Rope Suspension?

One of the mainfeaturesof suspension ropes is that they are very high quality and strong. High quality rope straps provide a professional ease of use. These ropes are produced by using a combination of surgical fusible yarn and silicone materials. Its strength is increased by preparing it not from a single layer but from many different layers. All these suspension ropes produced in harmony with the human body do not cause any allergies. It is excreted from the body by melting under the skin.

Is Thread Suspension Harmful?

Amongthe effects of rope suspension, harm is the least. Rope hanging is done with safe materials. Although every procedure has side effects, these side effects are normal and damage to the skin is not among the possibilities.

What are the Advantages of Rope Hanger Application?

Theadvantagesof the rope hanger can be listed as follows:

  • Younger skin
  • Collection of overhanging areas
  • No need for surgical procedure
  • Short effect in a short time
  • Can be used for a long time
  • Mimics are not affected
  • No scarring on the body after the procedure
  • Repeating at any time

They are among the advantages ofrope suspension application.