PRP (Hair, Antiaging, Spot, Natural Filler)

PRP treatment plays an active role to ensure the realization of skin renewal when the main purposes of use are taken into consideration. This treatment has been practiced for a long time and is among the subjects that are open to continuous development in the field of medical aesthetics all over the world and studied by many physicians. When PRP treatment is applied regularly in both men and women, it is possible to see the difference in their skin in a short time.

What Does PRP Treatment Process Cover?

The purpose of PRP treatment can be summarized as tightening the skin, spot treatment and lightening scars. This is one of the areas where this treatment is most commonly used;

  • Spotting on the skin due to genetic or environmental factors
  • Thinning of the skin structure of the person with the aging process
  • Stretch marks and wrinkles
  • Sagging skin
  • Stronger healthy hair
  • Fighting acne and pimples
  • Treatment of scars that were previously left in the body

For PRP treatments play an active role and can give successful results.

How is PRP Stain Treatment?

The process of spot treatment with PRP should be carried out in a fully equipped environment where sterilization is provided and qualified physicians are always ready against the risk of possible complications. PRP treatment plays an active role especially for the removal of blemishes. With this treatment;

  • Age spots
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Previously formed scars
  • Birthmarks
  • Pregnancy spots in the mother during pregnancy
  • Spots caused by hormonal conditions
  • Uneven skin tone

In such cases, spot treatment can be applied. Immediately after 5-6 regular sessions, the person can see that the skin tone is equalized and the stain in the problematic area in question has disappeared. Regardless of age group, many people suffering from spot problems prefer this method. We actively apply PRP treatment in our clinic and we always aim to improve ourselves by achieving extremely successful results in our patients.

How is PRP Applied?

Since the way PRP treatment is applied refers to the process of taking the patient’s blood with a needle, processing it and giving the processed blood back to the patient, many people may find this method frightening. However, the procedure is usually extremely painless and there is no risk to the patient. The following steps are followed during the process.

  • Calling the patient to the clinic and determining what kind of treatment method will be applied after the consultation process
  • After determining the method to be applied, only 2-3 tubes of blood are taken from the patient
  • Separation of this blood by means of blood separation devices called centrifuges created with advanced technological methods
  • Taking the platelets obtained from the patient and mixing them into the serum related to the treatment method to be applied or giving only platelets
  • Enrichment of serum with other substances
  • Application of the substance directly to skin areas or hair via masks
  • If the procedure is to be applied by injection, pores are opened on the skin with a small structure called dermaroller and the PRP technique is applied to the patient through mesotherapy.

It refers to processes.

Does PRP Treatment Affect Hair?

PRP is among the procedures with a very higheffect on hair . The blood taken from the vein is processed and applied to the hair roots under the name of hair mesotherapy. It can be applied to hair for many different reasons. Among these reasons;

  • Slowing down shedding
  • Desire for hair to grow thicker
  • Lifeless hair and constant breakage
  • Wanting to achieve a brighter image

It may be desired to apply on the hair due to reasons such as. Aesthetic centers and clinics can apply a serum to the hair from the patient’s own blood. Since the person’s own blood platelet count is high, growth factors greatly strengthen the hair follicles and help to achieve successful results. If the sessions are held regularly and without a break, you can see that baby hair appears in a period of 3 months and the hair becomes thicker.

Is Antiaging Treatment Performed with PRP Method?

PRP antiagingmethod is also used in all age groups to get anti-aging effect. The body starts to age from the age of 25 and onwards. This is related to the fact that collagen production is now beginning to decline. Therefore, we can say that this process means that the regeneration of the skin slows down.

  • Wrinkle treatment
  • Elimination of stretch marks and cellulite
  • Thinning of the body skin, resulting in an aged appearance
  • Making the skin look more moisturized and beautiful
  • Eliminating the loss of elasticity that disappears with the applied method
  • Elimination of the feeling of dryness

PRP can be used for methods such as. It can be applied on the face, as well as on the décolleté, hands and legs, which are among the areas that show aging the most.

Are There Any Side Effects of PRP Method?

The side effects of the PRPmethod are negligible compared to many methods. The main reason for this is that the substance is the person’s own blood, so the body will not show any reaction to reject it. Apart from this, with the application of PRP treatment

  • The skin gets a natural appearance.
  • The substance nourishes the skin and triggers collagen production.
  • The skin does not reject the substance and therefore offers much longer wear compared to synthetic substances
  • Recovery time is much shorter
  • The redness will disappear in a very short time.