Non-Surgical Face - Neck Rejuvenation and Lifting Combinations
Non-surgical face and neck rejuvenation combinations include methods applied by doctors in our center. There are many methods used to rejuvenate the face and neck area, reduce wrinkles, give a younger appearance and stretch sagging areas. Among these methods, procedures such as rope suspension models, focused ultrasound, needle radiofrequency, laser and mesotherapy are frequently preferred. When people who want to have a non-surgical face – neck lift procedure come to our clinic, they will observe that we provide service with the latest technology new generation devices and our expert staff. We have been improving ourselves for years in line with the feedback, requests and suggestions of our clients and we act with the understanding of better service.
What is Non-Surgical Face and Neck Lift?
The non-surgical face and neck liftprocedure provides tightening without any incision or surgical procedure. People who do not want to undergo surgery usually prefer non-surgical face and neck rejuvenation. In our clinic, there are many different methods we apply to eliminate sagging and wrinkles in the face and neck area. Thread suspension methods are also among the procedures used for face and neck lift and have a long duration of effect. People who want to tighten the neck and / or face area without surgery can get an appointment and detailed information by contacting our experts.
Is Non-Surgical Face And Neck Lift Permanent?
The duration of effect of non-surgical face and neck lifting is 1-2 years on average. The duration of use and effect varies from person to person, but on average, it is an application that manages to maintain its effect for up to 1-2 years. After this period, the client decides whether or not to renew the procedure. Longer lasting effectiveness after a non-surgical facelift is also dependent on reasons such as healthy nutrition, regular exercise, not immobilizing the body and consuming clean foods. In addition to nutrition and sports, it is important that people pay attention to their skin care and use the most appropriate methods for their skin.
How Does Non-Surgical Face And Neck Lift Work?
The effects of non-surgical face and neck lifting are both strengthened connective tissues and younger skin. Focus ultrasound, also known as High Intensity Focus Ultrasound (HIFU) or Linear Focus Ultrasound (LIFU), is among the first choices of those who want to lift sagging without surgery and have a younger appearance. The latest technology, LIFU system, is used in our clinic. With this procedure, recovery can be safely performed in the face and neck area and the effect shows itself for a long time. The main effects of non-surgical face and neck lifting are as follows:
- Strengthens connective tissues.
- Supports collagen production.
- It provides tightening of the skin in the face and neck area.
- It offers a younger and healthier appearance.
- Reduces wrinkles to a great extent.
How to Perform Non-Surgical Face and Neck Lift?
The method of non-surgical face and neck lifting varies depending on the method used. If the client is undergoing LIFU application, then special ultrasound devices are used. A session lasting an average of 30 minutes is applied with ultrasound devices. In this session, the face and neck area is treated with a machine and a single session is sufficient. The effect of one session lasts quite long and the person continues to enjoy the benefits and effects of LIFU for almost 12 months. People who want a non-surgical face and neck lift do not feel any pain or pain in this method. It is an extremely sterile, clean, easy and painless procedure.
It is performed by sending ultrasound waves to the treated area on the skin. It is among the first choices of people who want to rejuvenate their face without surgery. The procedure can be preferred not only by women but also by men.
What are the Results of Non-Surgical Face and Neck Lift?
The results of the LIFU procedure can be achieved in as little as 3 months. We continue to provide support to our clients before and after the procedure. After the procedure, it is possible to contact our experts when there is an issue that is curious or wanted to be asked. After the focus ultrasound method is applied for non-surgical facelift, it shows its effect within 3 months following the procedure. It is a procedure that does not stain the skin and does not leave scars. Since it does not cause discomfort such as pain, pain and cramps, the person can return to his normal life with all comfort. People who undergo non-surgical face and neck lifts may experience mild redness and edema after the procedure. This is a perfectly normal side effect and will disappear on its own within a short time.
What does it feel like during a non-surgical face and neck lift?
During the focus ultrasound procedure, our clients may experience many different sensations. This is due to the direct contact of the device with the skin and the use of ultrasound rays. The procedure takes one session and a session lasts on average 30 minutes. During the non-surgical facelift procedure, sensations such as needling may be experienced. The intensity and severity of what is felt varies from person to person. This is due to the heat spots created by the ultrasound pulses.
Can Focus Ultrasound be Performed in Summer?
The time for non-surgical face and neck lifting is usually all months of the year. In some facelift procedures, there are rules such as people not entering the sea and pool and not being exposed to the sun for a certain period of time. Focused ultrasound therapy for non-surgical face and neck rejuvenation does not have such a requirement. People can have this application in our clinic in any season and at any time they wish. Accessories such as hats and glasses can be preferred to protect the area after the procedure. Exposure to direct sunlight is also harmful to untreated skin and our clients need to protect themselves from sunlight.
Who Can Have LIFU Application?
Those who have a face and neck lift are generally suitable for this procedure. People who want a face and neck lift should experience relaxation and slight sagging in the neck, face or décolleté area. If loosening or sagging is experienced, then people become suitable candidates for this procedure. It is not necessary to have a certain age or gender to have a non-surgical face – neck lift and rejuvenation procedure. It is a procedure that can be applied to anyone who needs it.