Tattoos are marks permanently imprinted on the skin with the help of needles and ink. Because of their permanent nature, tattoos are also considered body modification. People may want to get tattoos on different parts of their body for many reasons. One of these reasons is that they look aesthetically pleasing. Some people want to wear patterns that have meaning for them on their bodies.
It is also common to no longer want to carry these scars after getting a tattoo. One may want to get rid of these scars for reasons such as boredom, regret or because the tattoo has lost its meaning. Although these scars are permanent, laser tattoo removal is possible. This page contains various information about laser tattoo removal.
What is Laser Tattoo Removal and How Is It Performed?
There are different methods used to remove tattoos. Surgical removal of tattoos and dermabrasion (skin sanding) are among these methods. Another method used to remove tattoos is laser. The laser method is frequently preferred because it has a success rate of nearly 90% in the removal of tattoos.
Tattoos are applied to the dermis layer one layer below the top surface of the skin. The laser energizes the ink marks in this layer of the skin with light and heat. The ink particles are broken down by the energy sent. Through this process, the ink particles reach a size that the body’s immune system can expel.
What should be done before treatment?
There are some points that should be done and taken into consideration before laser treatment. First of all, people who will have this treatment should take a shower before the session. Especially the area where the tattoo to be removed should be thoroughly cleaned. So the laser can work without being affected by sweat and dirt. However, after cleaning the area, no lotion or skin care cream should be used immediately before the treatment.
If there is hair in the area where the tattoo is located, these hairs should be shaved. Methods such as waxing that remove hair from the root should be avoided. Because these methods can cause irritation in the area. In addition, the area where the tattoo is located should never be directly exposed to the sun. The area can be covered with clothes and sunscreen can be used. Tanning products should also be avoided until 2 weeks before the treatment.
Skin care products containing retinol, hydroxy acid and other acidic substances should not be used 3-4 days before treatment. Soft cleansers should be preferred instead of cleansers with peeling particles. And only moisturizers should be used when absolutely necessary. It is recommended to avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages the day before treatment. Since the immune system plays an important role in laser tattoo removal treatment, smoking and alcoholic beverages may adversely affect the immune system.
What to Consider After Laser Tattoo Removal?
After laser tattoo removal, sun rays should be avoided as before. If it is necessary to go outside, the area should be covered with clothes or bandages. Bronzing products should also be avoided. If the area is exposed to sunlight, scars and redness may occur. Since irritation of the area will affect the other sessions of the laser treatment, it is extremely important to stay away from sunlight.
Once a day, the area should be cleaned with soap and dried. After cleaning, it is usually recommended to apply post-laser gels and antibiotic ointment to the area. Be careful not to apply anything other than the ointments and creams recommended by your treatment center. 1-2 days after treatment, sports activities that cause excessive sweating should be avoided. The sea and pool should also be avoided. Finally, the area should never be itched.
Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Tile Removal
How Long Does Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment Take?
Before the laser treatment, necessary information about each person’s medical history is obtained. In this way, it is decided whether there is an obstacle to laser tattoo removal treatment. Each person’s laser tattoo removal treatment process may not progress in the same way. Treatment can take up to 2 years to produce results. Because there should be a gap of 4 to 6 weeks between sessions. This is to give the body’s immune system time to remove the ink particles. Otherwise, the efficiency of the sessions may decrease.
Each session usually lasts between 5 and 60 minutes. How long the session lasts depends entirely on the size of the tattoo to be removed. The removal of small tattoos can be completed in 5 or 10 minutes. However, for tattoos that are large and take up a lot of space on the skin, sessions can last up to an hour. Tattoos that have been inked over several times may take more time than others. In short, the session length of laser tattoo removal treatment may vary completely from person to person.
How Many Sessions Are Required for Laser Tattoo Removal?
The complete removal of a tattoo with laser treatment does not take place in a single session. Processes such as the breakdown of the ink in tattoos and the body’s cleansing of these parts work differently for everyone. For this reason, each person’s laser tattoo removal treatment consists of different sessions. The size of the tattoo is also an important factor here. Usually treatments range between 6 or 8 sessions. Very large tattoos can take more than 10 sessions to remove. Small tattoos can be removed in 5 sessions.
Can any color tattoo be removed with laser?
Laser treatment can easily remove tattoos of many colors. Tattoos made with black, red and blue ink can be removed from the skin with a laser. With advances in technology, laser devices can break down ink particles of different colors. But not all color tattoos are equally easy to remove. For example, tattoos with green and very light blue ink are not easy to remove. Like green, purple ink tattoos are also difficult to remove. However, with the right treatment method, tattoos of this color can also be removed. In general, black tattoos on light skin are the easiest to remove. Because the laser device can detect the tattoo more easily on light-colored skin.
Are There Scars Left on the Skin After Laser Tattoo Removal?
Whether laser tattoo removal treatment will leave scars or not varies from person to person. Following the necessary instructions before and after the treatment can also affect scarring. Laser tattoo removal treatment can leave very few scars on the skin. However, some people may never experience scarring.
Is Laser Tattoo Removal a Painful Procedure?
Laser tattoo removal is performed with beams sent to a lower layer of the skin. For this reason, it would not be correct to say that the procedure is not painful at all. The ink particles are broken down by high temperature devices. This can cause a certain level of pain. The pain of laser tattoo removal is often likened to accidentally touching a hot pan.
Are There Side Effects of Laser Tattoo Removal?
Laser tattoo removal is a process that usually does not cause major side effects. However, in some cases certain side effects may be observed. Scarring is one of these side effects. It may also be possible for the area where the tattoo was removed to become infected. At this point, it is very important that people undergoing treatment apply the recommended care of the area. Changes in skin color may also occur. The color of the area may remain lighter or darker than the surrounding area. Side effects such as blistering, blistering and crusting may also occur after treatment. There may also be spot to spot bleeding in the area where the tattoo was removed. Do not forget to talk about side effects and ask any questions you may have at the place of treatment.