Acne Pimple Treatment
Various methods can be used for acne treatment. The inability of the structure produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin to be excreted from the skin and the closure of the mouth of the duct on the skin surface is the cause of the formation of structures that dermatologists call comedones. When these structures become infected over time, they are called acne. Acne, which is full of pus and infected by bacteria, is a problem that each of us has experienced at least once in our lives, with various sizes and types that can sometimes cause pain. Acne treatment can be applied in many ways, depending on how serious the problem is.
What is Acne, Why Does It Occur?
The cause of acne formation is the closure of the surface of the pores opening to the skin, the structures secreted in the duct cannot reach the skin surface and accumulate inside, and the increase in the number of bacteria there causes swelling and swellings on the skin. Infected comedone structures are called acne and these elements can be seen not only on the face but also on the skin of many other areas. Externally, they represent swollen, reddened and pus-containing structures. When they are touched, pus may ooze out. These structures are known as skin problems that reduce our quality of life and do not look aesthetic from the outside. Although many factors cause acne formation, the most common factors are as follows.
- Genetic factors
- The skin is prone to oiliness
- Excessive lubrication of the skin due to insufficient cleansing and consequent closure of the ducts
- Excessive carbohydrate diet
- Various skin diseases
- Hormonal problems
- Cosmetic products applied to the face without review
It is among the factors that cause acne formation on the skin. Some people may have more acne than others.
What Methods Are Used to Reduce Acne?
Many methods are used to reduce acne.
- Medication
The medicines to be given by physicians for the elimination of acne prevent the formation of bacteria, eliminate the infection and reduce the oily appearance and dry the skin. There are many medicines that can be used in acne treatment based on the skin condition of the person. A doctor’s prescription is, of course, essential for the use of medicines. Therefore, if you are faced with a recurring and persistent condition, you should definitely seek medical support and treat the existing problem using antibiotics. In resistant cases, drugs in the retinoic acid group may be prescribed. Apart from this, skin care and chemical peeling can be used in the comedon stage with the support of a physician. After the acne in question disappears, there are many treatment methods to remove the scars on the skin.
- Laser and IPL systems
They are frequently used in the treatment of active acne. Nd-YAG laser and IPL systems are applied in sessions. IPL application is performed 1-2 times a week for a total of 5-6 sessions. Since filters of various wavelengths are used, it is as if the procedure is performed with more than one head in the same session. The aim of treatment is to reduce the number of bacteria and redness.
- Probiotics
Various probiotics are also prescribed as an adjunct to treatments.
- Chemical peeling
Salicylic, mandelic acid and lactic acid peels can be used. It is applied 5-6 sessions, once a week.